
Free Property Reports

These free property reports are a fantastic tool to use when thinking about the purchase of a property.


We will provide you with a report detailing recent sales in the area including how much the properties were sold for, properties for sale in the area and their asking prices, and also how much above or below asking price certain properties in the area sell for and how long they were on the market. It will also show you how much the property you are looking at was sold for the last time it was sold and when it was sold.


Also included in the report are points of interest in the area including schools, parks etc., area profiles, median sales price data for the last three years, recent median sales prices month by month, amount of sales per year for the last ten years and capital growth in the area for the last ten years.


To request a FREE Property Report feel free to call us anytime

on 1300 366 643 or email